No wonder everything is all fucked up, someone cut down the erdtree
Kirito how dare you.
Lloyd Irving how dare you.
Ryu or Myria from Breath of Fire how dare you.
Flammie how dare you.
How many other times has someone in Japan cut down world trees?
Tough to say, since in Dragon Quest XI whether or not it was cut down depends on your timeline.
DLC is cancelled. There is no Erdtree to create a shadow.
If it’s a tree stump, then something cut it off flat at the top, and I’m far more afraid of that thing than the tree stump.
Paul Bunyan.
America’s Kaiju
No no you got it all wrong, Paul Bunyan is the kaiju tamer of Babe the Blue Ox
I wanna see a Paul Bunyan vs Godzilla movie.
Or Godzilla vs Superman!deleted by creator
A lot of fossilized trees appear to be cut when they, in fact, cleanly broke after becoming rock.
That’s the crux of the insane conspiracy - they think giants used to roam the earth and these are remnants.
Having seen Devil’s Tower in person I’m trying to envision how massive that tree would be
Wow. Photo evidence!
What do you mean? It’s clearly Photoshopped! The Earth is flat don’t you know?
No the Earth was flat and then somebody cut down the yggdrasil, and the world curved under into a sphere to protect the seed of the next world tree until it is time for it to bloom
Yggdrasil calls
Probably between 300 m and 2 km tall, based on some quick reading about how tree height scales with diameter.
Buddy, we can clearly see the basalt formations. It’s probably yet another volcan that eroded
Petrified world tree stump. ;)
“In our arrogance we thought it would be there forever, our path to the heavens, to enlightenment, always within reach whenever it was desired. Instead we turned our eyes and souls to the Earth in any and every way to exploit it for our own desires. It was Astrid who could take our hubris no longer, climbing into Yggdrasil’s branches, then reaching down the trunk and severing it cleanly with the most silent whisper. Rising to the sky in Yggdrasil, she took our best potential with her to the heavens and left us to the Earth precisely what we had lusted after so cravenly. ‘Suffer in your righteousness now, children of Earth. You have sealed your own destruction’ said Astrid at last.” Source: some BS I just made up.
This goes hard af
unfortunately, or fortunately, i think it’s more realistic to the mythos that thor chopped it down for firewood while drunk or something
If anyone is actually curious, it’s an igneous intrusion - initially formed underground by magma pushing up into sedimentary rock and cooling there. Rather than an eruption of magma out of the ground, this was formed by the softer rock around the hardened magma eroding away and leaving this uncovered.
No, tree
Pretty sure it’s made of mashed potatoes.
This means something.
He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him.
Now that’s an old reference right there
The movie still holds up (I think)!
I especially like the Conan the Librarian bit.
If the vikings had found this they would have freaked the fuck out
Someone cut down Yggdrasil!! >:(
They would have gone home.
The Lokota name translates to Bear Lodge, it’s a sacred site for them and calling it Devil’s Tower isn’t great.
When have colonisers and ‘settlers’ worried about that stuff? [yucatan (idkwym), calcutta (cut yesterday)]
that’s just someone who used the terraform tools with unlimited money
Paul Bunyan was here
Honey, what does this remind you of?
Oh man, wtf is this movie? I remember seeing it when I was really young but can’t recall what it was
Close encounters of the third kind
Duh, thanks!!
UHF. (haha, I know that’s not the one you’re really asking about)
Blessed Erdtree
Looks like a great place for a giant wizard to ponder his orb
But who cutted the tree?
Paul Bunion
deleted by creator
A lot of fossilized trees appear to be cut when they, in fact, cleanly broke after becoming rock.
Jebbediah Springfield
That’s what the pyramids are for
The precursors. I will not elaborate.
The nipple of the goddess of reason.
“I’m just asking questions”
Let’s go inside and see what ancient being has been slumbering for a malenia.