I believe this was posted on Lemmy just a few days ago.
That was amazing thanks for sharing lol
I once watched this on a first date. We were together for four years after that. Make of that what you will.
Santa 1 is spreading joy to Santa 2.
Santa 2 gets too much holiday cheer and takes a eternal nap.
Santa 3, with Santa 2 expiring, begins to fade as well.
Please tell me they wore that to a work Christmas party
Schindler’s List 2: Checking it Twice
Christmas on Elm Street
Lord of the 5 Golden Rings
Legend of the 7 Red-Nosed Vampires?
Citizen Sugarkane
Friday the 25th
The 40-years-old virgin Mary.
- The God Father Christmas
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Reindeer
- No Country for Old Men in Red Suits
- Oppenheimer
Terminator 2: Boxing Day
Mad Max-mas
Django Unwrapped
Snow Country for Old Men
North Star Wars
Dances with Reindeer
The Chrismas Before Christmas
Nog Wars: Revenge of the Turkey
2 Festive 2 Furious: North Pole Drift
Deadpool & Santa
Mariah Carey: Mall Cop
Deadpool & Santa
Considering Marvel’s Santa is a mutant, this could work better than expected
12/25: A Sleigh Odyssey
I was gonna do Backdoor Sluts 9 but it’s already a Christmas movie.
An American Werewolf in Lapland
Full Tinsel Jacket