If you’ve not yet tried putting an OS on an NVME drive, it’ll change your life. Or at least speed up your computing.
Joke’s on them, I won the robot dogs over with my pets and can turn the sentry turrets against the guards.
This is why I follow every single text or email with a, “Hey, did you just see my message?” phone call.
I’m ranked platinum in Rocket League, which is pretty damn impressive if you know nothing about Rocket League rankings.
That would require a functional system of government.
OCCULT CARS? Maybe a Tesla shirt?
That was the day OP learned to slice bread like a machine.
The Bible says Adam and Eve, not Adam in Southend-on-Sea.
Love the sinner, not the sin.
I hate that I missed out on Conan’s talk show years, because I was going to kill on there with my humorous vignettes.
Get out and vote, people! Let’s not wake up a few months from now and find we’ve re-elected Donald Trump.
This person makes really beautiful digital art that features a lot of power lines. I think it’s really cool. Example:
Yeah, I’ve seen it in the south and in Utah, both very religious, very odd areas.
You don’t care so much about Jesus’ blood covering up your sins unless you’ve got some shit to cover up.
That helps air out the diaper a little.
He’s okay. He can stay.
First, they came for Wordpad, and I did not speak out–because I did not use Wordpad…
They didn’t call it the Constitutional Cumvention for nothing.
This sorta applies to the way I typically do it (maybe). I spray-and-pray on 9+ out of 10, because most are mass-posted bullshit. I’m not redoing a cover letter for every bullshit posting.
But if it is clear an actual person is involved (e.g. there is a person’s e-mail listed as a direct point-of-contact or it’s on a small company’s website among only a handful of positions) and/or it is for a job I think I’d really like, I spend more time tailoring everything.
Best of both worlds (potentially).