I grew up with three in the same house. And two step brothers. And a younger brother.
Chaos for the chaos god.
First 30 years of my life were like this. Now I categorically don’t give a fuck about much.
Be inconvenienced, bitch lol
Hey. Get the fuck out of my head.
I’m Ron Burgundy?
Look at you, with the hemispheres of your brain actually somewhat separate from one another.
It’s really refreshing to have someone actually get the meaning behind this meme instead of say ‘not all men’ or the equivalent.
This is the way
Fuck yes. This is the entire point of the post. This is not my meme, but some turds are focusing in on ‘buh only WhItE mEn?!’. No. Not just white men. White women and children too, anikan. Anybody really.
You raise a very good point about our white male privilege and the lack of ‘stopping power’ less privileged groups have when challenging bigotry.
My ‘hey, you’re being a fuck stick’ detector doesn’t discriminate, despite what my stolen meme says
I do this, but then I pick it apart to make it really painful.
You’re hanging out with the right people
Nah. Don’t wait for them to ask. Tell them they are being an asshat. It’s good for them
Remember, all memes are totally real and no one ever fabricated shit on the internet
I’m doing my part
We can use that whisky as antiseptic! Hopefully you don’t die of infection
I am the trash, blowing down the street