those are japanese monkeys
The Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata), also known as the snow monkey, is a terrestrial Old World monkey species that is native to Japan. Colloquially, they are referred to as “snow monkeys” because some live in areas where snow covers the ground for months each year – no other non-human primate lives farther north, nor in a colder climate.
Huh, I guess they’re technically the geographically closest thing to an “arctic” monkey.
Do you like smashing pumpkins?
Viking Hippie, nodding politely.
Do I wanna know?
Semi-off topic: what is yall’s favourite ape?
Personally I like gibbons and bonobos the most.
Orangutan for sure
Bonobos for sure.
Unruly young bonobo: is troublesome
Older authority figure bonobo: wanna fuck about it?
I’m quite fond of various humans.
Man. The deadliest game.
Artic monkeys go hard
This reminds me to go listen to 2 hours of Stone in Focus
Stone in Focus monke.
Hit monke
I don’t get it
They are also band names.
Oh ok ty
Of a B ever straight up asked me if I listen to gorillqz and arctic monkeys I’m turning 360 degrees and walking away gtfo with those middle school bands lmao you gonna ask if I like Blues Clues next??
The gorillaz are fire. Sad 4 u, gatekeeper of music
The 360 degrees and walking away says a bit about the pos(t)er too, walking straight into what they graciously censured a “B”.
First of all, blues clues is fire and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t. Second of all, 360 degree turns means your facing the same way, you just did a little twist…
Gorillaz - Melancholy Hill is awesome.
Poor Cool Guy, only with time could you reach further enlightenment, then you might understand that the adittude of hating on something because it’s ‘kid stuff’ is the most kid stuff thing to think.