In this thread: People who are incapable of understanding the most transparently obvious satire ever written.
People have said so much insane shit over the years that it is genuinely becoming harder and harder to tell what is being said sarcastically and what is not
This is a laundry list of things that are just very obviously the opposite of punk, though. It’s like if you asked someone to define “anti-punk,” they’d rattle of something very similar to this. It’s also in “Microblog Memes,” a meme community. The things posted here are jokes, and as such its nature as a joke is reinforced by the context in which the text is presented. This is Media Literacy 101, stuff.
Yeah but this one was still super obvious. At least if you read the whole thing.
I mean I’ve heard more idiotic shit said sincerely.
Reminds me of those trump rallyists dancing to rage against the machine.
I mean it’s a dead giveaway at the first bullet, but I totally get the knee jerk reaction because there were people who said Green day had “lost their way”.
That said, always thought Green Day was everything wrong with punk because of how pop they were when they first started. To me they’re still pretty pop. They’re like the hot topic of punk.
Maybe he’s right.
Billie Joe has been married to the same woman for more than 30 years. That’s a lot more family value than the MAGA idol ever managed in any of his several marriages.
Green Day also didn’t encourage people to attack the Capitol, unlike the “patriot” MAGA idiots.
It’s a low bar, but Green Day is a lot more respectful and respectable, even by their own definitions.
Billie Joe Armstrong: Strong advocate for monogamy and heterosexual marriage.
Taylor Swift: Serial dater. Pegs exclusively.
Me no understand peg?
I’m a visual learner BTW
Google that one with safe search off when nobody else is around.
But what’s the link with Taylor swift?
Also Billie Joe: Openly bisexual since 1995. Love the one you’re with. That’s literally the only thing that matters.
Unless in a polycule… In that case I think it’s something like “do your best to make sure everyone is doing okay, feeling loved and supported and frequent check ins for consent are done.”
It’s too socially complicated for me but if you can make it work then what turns your crank ain’t none my bizznizz…
Or, more succinctly, love the ones you’re with.
Are you fucking KIDDING ME?
Oh, yeah you’re fucking kidding me.
Ok, carry on, then.this is a parody account right…
I wholeheartedly support BJA and Green Day for the message of what they did, but holy shit I can’t stand to listen to their music. I hate that I have to now make a whole “I swear I’m not MAGA” preface to my inability to tolerate them.
The American Idiot album is good and the anti-Bush aspect feels less political these days because everyone hates Bush now.
Maybe I’m a suckered for a rock opera though. I never got into their actual punk early stuff.
All true but Green Day hasn’t been punk since just before Dookie. If you want to hear Billy Joe Armstrong in a punk band check out Pinhead Gunpowder.
Reminds me of Tom Morello’s response to Paul Ryan claiming his favorite band was RATM.
I wonder what Ryan’s favorite Rage song is? Is it the one where we condemn the genocide of Native Americans? The one lambasting American imperialism? Our cover of “Fuck the Police”? Or is it the one where we call on the people to seize the means of production? So many excellent choices to jam out to at Young Republican meetings!