I prefer to buy the entire seasoning industry, then several cows, and then drop a thermonuclear bomb on us all.
It’s a one-shot deal, I’m just waiting for the perfect moment.
This moment seems as good as any. Please hurry!
So I still don’t get any steak? Ah well alright, I could use the weight loss
Me making a bowl of cereal:
I also want to stand out, so I season my shit 4 hours after dinner.
PS. Did anybody ever watch the video? Is there some vaguely valid reason or is it just some pretentious bullshit?
I watched it years ago, so going from memory… it’s definitely a bit of a gimmick, but the idea is that if you slice up your steak on your cutting board then the seasoning will transfer to your steak all over - not just top and bottom.
The YouTuber (Adam Ragusea) has acknowledged that it’s a gimmick and he doesn’t prepare his steak this way. Since th video came out several years ago, he’s actually become a really good food science YouTuber (which this video definitely was not).
Yes, the valid reason is monetizing pretentious bullshit.
That YouTube comment is absolutely insane!!!