Kanye? I remember people liking Musk. Imagine that.
I also want to stand out, so I season my shit 4 hours after dinner.
PS. Did anybody ever watch the video? Is there some vaguely valid reason or is it just some pretentious bullshit?
If I had pecks like the guy in the picture I’d work in a smelting plant shirtless just to show off.
When You see it spelled like that, do You also read it as “shitter”?
You’d think, the world would move forward not backwards.
Well he didn’t come up with the idea by himself. I doubt he knew what Greenland was two weeks ago.
At least bring back the cocaine in cough drops.
So like 3,5 min for fighting and 3,5 for fucking? I’m almost 40, I can’t get it up in 3,5 minutes.
I don’t like Nazis as much as the next guy, but given a choice between beating up Nazis and getting laid, I think I’d prefer to get laid. Ya know, the whole “Make love not war” philosophy.
Thanks. I wasn’t joking. But it doesn’t look like something for me. It looks like Apples iOS, and I hate everything apple related.
I use my keyboard as little as possible, so shortcut keys aren’t for me. I use a laptop, and am usually lying on the couch, too far to reach the keyboard. I have a few shortcuts mapped to my mouse. You’d be surprised how much I can surf the web with just the mouse. And sometimes even with my left hand.
I absolutely do it the other way. Nothing is on my desktop except for the trash bin. There is a shortcut to the file explorer and browser pinned to the task bar. And that’s it.
Did you use some artistic liberty on those guns?
Just give me being attractive and fuck the rest.
In my country they never read those. I ordered my pizza cut into pentagrams around 10 times from various places and never got anything other than standard slices.
And attractiveness is subjective.
Well, yes, obviously, he probably never even saw the kid before that. I dare some ballsy journalist to ask him, what’s the kids name.