My thought is that these people think that their smarter than everyone else therefore they are justified doing anything they do. On the other hand, anyone with a billion dollars got it by making a whole lot of other people poorer. And they ate neither actually geniuses nor benevolent in any other way.
The Phillip Morris CEO makes money by hooking people onto something that isn’t good for them. Tech CEOs are very seldom any different. Anyone who says otherwise usually has a financial interest in making you believe them.
In the song the Sk8r boy is the hero who triumphs in the end so i think it makes sense.
Pretty much every OSHA rule came from some kind of death or dismemberment of they guy before you. As a wise foreman once said, "Better a pain in the ass than your ass in pain”
You’re absolutely right. Everyone will be very worried and talk about the importance of security in the enterprise and yada yada yada until a cool new AI spreadsheet software comes out and everybody forgets to even check if their firewall is turned on.
But with that being said, if you have been looking for a good time to ask for cybersecuity funding at your org, see if you can’t lock down 5 years worth of budget while everyone is aware of the risk to their businesses.
There’s a toggle
There’s a toggle but we moved it deep into a sub menu
If you toggle it off it also breaks a lot of other things you want to have
Toggle it off if you want but it’s still going to run in the background
Until the EU sues and forces them to have an option to actually remove it.
I don’t like to stereotype based on names but, if anyone has ever been Gwennyth it’s her.
Relevant video about the problems with high capacity ssds.