I replaced most cloud services with my own Nextcloud instance. I like Nextcloud.
I replaced most cloud services with my own Nextcloud instance. I like Nextcloud.
If it gets catastrophic enough for society to collapse, which is not at all unrealistic, the rich will be just as fucked as the rest of us. They may last a few months more, but they’re fucked without their peasants.
My elderly, barely tech literate dad has been on Linux for years and he doesn’t even know it
Shortly after, we completely stopped using phones.
I’m a little weird like that, I often listen to the whole discography if I find a single song or album I like. My music knowledge is very deep and but rather narrow
I usually only listen to one album at a time, front to back. But I think most people don’t do that.
For me it’s the other way around. My ADHD caused depression and anxiety. Without the panic attacks, I wouldn’t have gone to a therapist in the first place.
Thank you for fighting for your son.
I never really had issues in school, I was doing fine. But teachers kept telling me I wasn’t living up to my potential. I was chaotic. Forgetful. Years later, I developed an anxiety disorder I didn’t understand so I went to therapy. Turns out I also have chronic depression (oh, life is not so bleak for everyone??) and it’s all because of severe ADHD and the attached problems. I’m almost 30 now. And while my therapist did a lot of structured tests, she is not qualified to actually diagnose ADHD. It’s gonna be another year until I can get my formal diagnosis and medication.
I often wonder what could have been had the adults in my childhood been more attentive to my -in hindsight- obvious and severe problems.
I switched back to Manjaro today and I agree.
I’ve been on Linux exclusively for over 5 years now. I’m starting to struggle with some Windows stuff that I just forgot how to do. But also I’m still shit at Linux. It just works so well that I never really had to learn what’s under the hood.
There is a lot of software that only runs on Windows that has no viable alternatives. For private use, the vast majority of people would be fine without Windows, but so many professional applications require it.
It has to be one of the most profitable companies on the planet. So much revenue with so little staff
He’s filthy rich and makes some of his money with gambling addiction. But his company invests million into Linux and I really enjoy Valve’s products. There are thousands of worse CEOs and companies.
Thanks for reminding me this exists
Neil Peart is
Many child abusers are no pedophiles. And many pedophiles are no child abusers. You need to look up the exact numbers yourself but surprisingly many child abusers have no sexual attraction to kids. It’s often about power and availability.
We run a lot of Windows servers for specialized applications that don’t really have viable alternatives. It sucks, but it’s the same reason we use Windows clients.
I’m due for the procedure in a few weeks. Glad to hear it’s worth it!
My septum is very much deviated. I thought it’s normal that I can’t breathe half of the time. Turns out it’s not normal and can be treated
Absolutely. I hope flatpak can take that role. It’s already widely accepted.