Ah yes, tracking advice from a website that shows you a cookie banner when you arrive.
Install ublock, disable location when not being used, use pihole
Ah yes, tracking advice from a website that shows you a cookie banner when you arrive.
Install ublock, disable location when not being used, use pihole
No, kahn 4 ftc 4 life
Can i have that $400k job?
This is the way
Ooooh, now do the US. My tax dollars are funding it after all. I demand to publish in regular public reports and periodicals who is on the naughty list. Send to the appropriate agency for enforcement.
Mostly gibberish from the tool i found…
I run a pi hole and it blocks 1000 attempts per minute from a single Samsung TV, then it outright denies requests from the tv. Duck those douches.
Blowing $60,000,000,000 on stock buy backs then losing half of the stock value? I don’t know how that gets you a gigantic raise, but apparently it works.
What’s a few more bodies on top of the 346 passengers and 2 whistle blowers? Don’t worry, the ceo got his 45% raise.
They’re the same picture
god damn right
Good riddance you greedy time vampires.
And donate to a left leaning charity? Chaotic good
And it’ll happen to you!
Can’t wait until the Internet consortium tells Comcast they can’t use another misleading name
Thank you for being a refuge from some of the noise in the world