Imagine defending discord
Imagine defending discord
I switch between do not disturb and vibrate. Sound notifications are absolutely insane.
I’m baffled how much people care about other people’s clothing. It’s childish. How do shorts or pants have anything to do with professionalism?
They usually do if they don’t use kernel level anti cheat. But it’s a bit more complicated than Steam. There are guides online. It’s manageable but it’s not “click play and you’re done” like steam
For most users it probably just comes down to what is installed on their machine when they buy it. People generally don’t think about operating systems a whole lot.
I love KdenLive!
Biden couldn’t dream of being as shit a president as Trump has been. And Trump is gonna be a lot worse than the first time around.
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is not going to stop regardless of who you vote for in the US election. It is going to get a lot worse if Trump gets elected. Many aspects of your life are going to get a lot worse.
If we’re talking election strategy, of course you’re right.
If we’re talking morals, everyone not voting for Biden is partly responsible if the world gets served Trump again. Trump is not going to improve the lives of anybody but himself and, by accident, other rich assholes.
He is right if they are willing to unleash Trump back into office over a single foreign affairs policy (where Trump’s stance is even worse)
Explain what you mean by bloat please
There is also Mint Debian if you want Mint. But honestly, distro doesn’t matter at all to most users. Pick any desktop environment that looks nice to you and go for it.
🐧: what is my purpose?
🧑💼: you run web servers.
🐧: oh my god