Thank you for your service 🫡
Thank you for your service 🫡
Actually no, the holocaust started with demonizing and harassing specific groups, curtailing free press, dismantling democratic institutions and banning books.
Come to think of it…
Go nazi go bankrupt? Go nazi get Luigied? Go nazi get nasty? Go nazi get ,
Turns out, nazi business is bad business
Hmm, seems doable
You’re right. I stand corrected
Neither are Oxford commas
Man I love snorting Parmesan. Or intravenous Taleggio
Hot bubbling shit on wheels
Anyone still on Twitter now is actively part of the problem
If you’re still on Twitter by now, you’re actively part of the problem
Way overdue. And that other 74% is still actively funding an ever bigger problem
Still being on Twitter is the real badge of shame
It’s obviously a dick-measuring tool