LMAO! Potatoes in yer bra is funny, but surely you’re bruised all to hell after a match!
I stream on Twitch sometimes with the same name. Come say hello!
LMAO! Potatoes in yer bra is funny, but surely you’re bruised all to hell after a match!
Please tell me you have a catchphrase as the Shrieking Spud!😮
That font choice over there… Is very retro.
Unrelated: I learned this morning you can trade Gen 1 and 2 pokemon with a Flipper Zero 😮
If it tastes good it is good!
From personal experience living with a roommate that makes good money… People that can’t cook, but have good money.
Y’all oughtta know the mid oughts were a lit time to behold.
Fuck it, fly into the 3rd tower to get it outta your system!
He did, but it’s too dark to notice unless you look a bit hard at the image.
Never knew that one.
I think WinXP was the last time i used the Win Media Player 😞
They’re molasses??? No freaking wonder i dislike their taste. Molasses by itself is super gross.
I’m over here still on Android 14. Yay prepaid phones!
That last paragraph… WINBLOWS ALREADY DOES THIS!
i swear it does it when it’s not supposed to. In the past 6 months my desktop has been waking up from sleep, and also me, just to start an update I was even unaware was happening. And if it’s not updating the system it sits there at the login screen.
So I’ve started shutting my pc down before bed to avoid this happening.
Edit: not the checkbox thing. It updates and downloads stuff sometimes without me telling it to.
Plot twist: they have extensions, but none are active.
You didn’t edit this comment. I feel lied to!
He’s even squinting!
I transferred schools in my junior (11th grade) year of high school. In my last class of the day the seniors (12th grade) were let out of class 10 minutes before the bell rang, i guess it was some kinda reward for about to graduate. And being the new kid the teacher didn’t realize I had been sneaking out and leaving early until someone in the hall ratted me out.
Good times.