Just like Laszlo Cravensworth!
clever & funny bio goes here
Just like Laszlo Cravensworth!
Not sure if that’s better, worse, or equally mediocre compared to Laszlo Cravensworth turning into Jackie Daytona with a simple toothpick.
I’m imagining a Beverly Hillbillies-style listing of synonyms.
Booger sugar
Nose beer
Bolivian rocket fuel
Isn’t he the chomo that worked at Nickleodeon?
I was in a similar situation to yours. K-12 was easy enough that I did well on test and assignments without ever having to develop good study skills.
So, naturally, when I got to college, I was woefully unprepared to cope. I was at a small institution where 90% of the student body was an academic overachiever in high school, so there were few enough students like me that the university didn’t have a dedicated tutoring place where one could pick up some study skills. Combine that with possible undiagnosed ADD and mental health problems, and it’s a wonder I managed to graduate.
Country Cathy?
I disabled my account four years ago when I realized how much plague stupidity and election stupidity on there was harming my mental health.
I doubt I will ever formally delete my account, as it’s the only source for pictures of some now-deceased family members. If hell freezes over and there’s a legit unavoidable need for me to be on there, I’m using desktop+web browser only, and probably in a browser that only gets used for the monthly visit to FB.
Ah good ole Poe’s Law