Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.
Very little
I think that depends quite a bit on what you listen to.
This raises kids with cool music tastes. My 14yo might be a bigger fan of 2000s indie rock than I am, and I was, y’know, both a fan of and the target demographic of that music when it was being made.
you too friend!
I got suspended because I was banned from a sub years ago on a different account, and I can’t block that subreddit. Accidentally commented on r/all, instantly suspended for ‘ban evasion’. I didn’t make a secret of the alt account, I made it to avoid doxxing. I didn’t want to comment on the subreddit, I’d block it from my feed if I could. Reddit knew I was banned and could have just kept me from posting there in the first place. Instead, suspension for evasion. Their whole setup is truly bizarre.
Anyway it dramatically reduced my doomscrolling so it wasn’t a bad thing
I down voted and didn’t bother replying because your comment was too plainly stupid to merit followup, you absolute tool. Not only are there plenty of great songs from the 80s that aren’t about sex and drugs, but you also just proved my point by picking a specific sub genre and acting like it represents all of music.