It turns out that it was nothing more than norms and decorum in politics that was holding your country together. When someone comes along and takes a dump on those unwritten rules, they find they can get away with a lot of stuff that nobody thought should be possible .
The first time he learned which civil servants stopped him. This time he’s firing then all before they can.
Why don’t you start by reading the comment that I replied to ?
Actually, I’ll paste it here. They said “Who the hell says the president can rename things via executive order? Surely that’s not iterated as a power of the office.”
… to which I replied to point out that other presidents have used the same power, and then went on to explain that the issue isn’t the use of an executive order, but rather the lack of any reasonable justification beyond petty vindictiveness.
If you want to be angry, be angry at trump, not random people on the internet