debian should be a bit higher on that list, but it’s still easier than installing windows.
debian should be a bit higher on that list, but it’s still easier than installing windows.
i’m taking a meteorology class and can confirm that this is how wind works.
when do you grow out of it? I’m in my mid thirties and the urge to water the tree of freedom has nothing but grown.
i mean, the israeli government was actually funding hamas to keep the pla from consolidating power in palestine, so…
are you talking about Israel or Hamas? because damn, it’s hard to differentiate between the two terrorist organizations.
It absolutely is. It’s a reciprocating needle used to bind separate pieces of cloth together.
i think everyone should enjoy power tools, both penised and non-penised individuals.
okay boomer.
my doggo is an old scent hound. He’s mostly deaf and can’t see very well, but that snoot of his is in full operation whenever we go for a walk. He has to smell every single thing. and if it’s something he likes, he’ll bark at the smell.
So that settles it. I have to get one now before they enshittify the new models.
when i try to go to a website that does that, or worse, when they say that my operating system is not supported, i don’t go to their site.
-1000 social credits.
Does the car have a person in it?
I’d choose the bear. A bear would probably leave me alone if i yell at it and make myself look big. A human would probably cry if i did that to them.
edit: also, can i just stay in the forest? Do I have to find a way out?
never give your personal cell number to any customer, ever. especially if you’re IT.
man <the package>|lolcat
It’s my problem free philosophy, nihilism.
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