solved this by modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the desired dependency and/or modifying the binary itself.
solved this by modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the desired dependency and/or modifying the binary itself.
“I had to reinstall” in 3… 2… 1…
Thanks. I’ll have a look at this!
The signal community should band together and write a signal client that doesn’t use the waste of space called electron. There is a rust library for signal and slint for cross platform UIs. Slint is even working (slowly) on mobile targets
It’s nice that separate solutions exist but noone is going to understand what’s going on, what version control is, what pinning is, and so on. And even if they did, finding separate solutions for them is a pain. An all in one solution would be the best.
Only 5 hours? That’s quite fast! It took me years to configure my NixOS system. It’s not even complete yet. It would be great if there were a GUI that took care of the entire thing, could lock dependencies (no, not flakes), add it to version control with signed commits and secrets, and the configuration could be shared across devices. That’s all possible with manual labor but having that out of the box for GUI users would be amazing.
Anyway, I feel this post too much 😅
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
I don’t want windows to disappear. I want it to admit defeat by slowly migrating towards a linux kernel.
Alpine and NixOS are lonely? Nani?
Some people “I don’t care why it doesn’t work, it’s Linux’s fault!”
You’re ramming a square peg into a circular hole and saying the experience is underwhelming 🤷
Possibly, but it doesn’t really change that things that just work on Windows (e.g. your preferred choice of GPU and games) doesn’t on Linux.
Sure, but that’s like saying that windows doesn’t work well on a raspberrypi. You put an operating system on badly supported hardware and you’re going to have problems. Not much windows or linux can do about that. The major difference in this case is that the issue is with the hardware vendor NVIDIA, the trillion dollar company that ignored and refused to support Linux for more than a decade.
Admittedly, I only tried 2 games on steam. One worked flawlessly. The other one was Red Alert 2 that does not work flawlessly even on modern Windows.
It needs a tweak to run on ProtonDB for Red Alert 2. As for the other things, yeah, it’s understandable that it doesn’t work well on linux. Unfortunately, they are made specifically for windows and in development. Some of them could work if they’re written in (I think) Unity or Unreal Engine which have a simple toggle to compile for linux. Maybe sending a quick message to the developer to tick that box could help.
Most of your problems are probably down to NVIDIA 🙁
As for wine settings, why are you messing with wine when you have steam? Are your games supported?
Underwhelmed? Do you miss random update restarts? We can help you out to have that if you like 😉
Not sure what I fall under 😅 I want privacy and will pay for it, but I won’t go all the way to a pure GNU OS where only certain open-source is allowed. IMO buying a new Pixel phone for GrapheneOS is still contributing to Google and does more harm than good.
That’s a good explanation. Thank you.
I don’t understand the linux/programming socks meme though. I’ve met way more overweight, unshaven, smelly nerds than people wearing striped socks anywhere. At one convention there was one single person with cat ears, but that was it. Where does this association even come from when it’s so rare (at least in my experience)?
Had me until the first point. Well done🤣
Wasn’t Signal messenger also funded by the NSA+DARPA? And TOR too?
I’m curious. Why do you believe the last statement to be true?
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