It’s rich people all the way up!
It’s rich people all the way up!
I think we have one free chair left after UK, so…
This should go to YSK.
(With @kamen’s explanation from this thread or something like that.)
To me it feels fake.
Especially the description sounds like a teenager is trying to build up tension in a story. Real people don’t talk like that.
To be honest, the text somehow manages to even more forced and photoshopped than the actual photo (which probably is shopped as well.)
(Edit: I realized I have red shift enabled on my screen so I’m probably totally unfair to the photo.)
So it’s the window—that is, the open space within the car which has the fuel cap on one side and exhaust pipe on the other—what makes it run.
Edit: Please don’t try to make house run by pouring gas into one of its window.
You don’t know that houses can’t move. Absence of a proof does not imply impossibility.
Sounds ridiculous (esp. for windows / houses) but I think it actually shows where Occam’s Razor comes to the rescue: When deciding what to believe, you should consider how many assumptions either model of the world would have to include in order to explain your observations.
Turns you don’t need to look for indisputable mathematically rigorous proofs, you just need to find the best model.
Sometimes the windows need just a little bit of help.
I’d like to see the author prove that beetle counting is more productive than creating game tutorials. People make all kinds of baseless assumptions that are biased by their personal values.
I hear if you read the book it will give you +1 on farming or +1 on survival (depending on your class), so…
Yeah, in my twenties I realized how dumb and boring it was, so I stopped. (Cope. COPE! 🧓 😭 😭 😭 😭 )
My heart hurts from dreaming about it
“If I asked people what they want, they would say, better AI”
MBA tech bro: “so … that means what they really want is the same shitty AI, right?”
and the smarter ones can even look at two or more separate numbers
But beyond that, no good use, no siree.
that was WAY harder to type than I expected.
Even in areas where they would fit it’s really annoying how some companies are trying to push it down our throats.
It’s always some obnoxious UI element, screaming at me their 3 example questions, and I always sigh and think, “I have to assume you can only answer these 3 particular questions, and why would I ask those questions, and when I ask UI questions I expect precise answers so would I want to use AI for that.”
I have no doubt that LLM’s have more uses than I can think of, but come on…
I’m happy for studies like this. People who are trying to smear their AI all over our faces need to calm, the f…k, down.
Also how the everliving hell do you add AI to input devices?
Think one of those UI’s that move your mouse to an “OK” button, but even worse, and everywhere (…ehm, everywhere it feels like). Add a Crowdstrikeability potential and you’ve got your AI crap. What’s not to love about it? (and by “love” I mean “hate”…)
“yah sorry but i already watched that one”
…“this morning”
Dark mode, night mode, light-on-dark design, or whatever you want to call the version of computer content that doesn’t feel blindingly bright at night…
Don’t wanna be that guy, but these template news-article openings always make my brain hurt. Come on, as if everyone has ever called it anything else than “Dark mode”.
The orange guy is the Kool-Aid Man of Overton’s windows.