the Irish Goodbye FTW, also known as French Exit, or French Leave (wikipedia)
Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.
the Irish Goodbye FTW, also known as French Exit, or French Leave (wikipedia)
Vsauce - Did People Used To Look Older?
the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!!
i loved coming to your TED Talk!
Then he’s immounterate
It could brick your device, carful
I don’t even want to turn on the speed limiter because I’m getting random fantom breaking, it’s really infuriating.
She did the Picard maneuver I think
Free with every X Premium subscription!
Kelly Claxon, the singer? Definitely a very irritating sound!
Now you need to post one!
Exactly what I got ^^
Honestly, any platforms hosting user-generated content who use the legal argument that they only provide hosting and aren’t responsible for what their user post shouldn’t also be able to sell the same data and claim owning any of it.
Otherwise, take away their legal immunity. Nazis or pedophiles post something awful? You get in front of the judge.
edit: typo
That’s an impressive level of early adopting :-)
Gopher was brought back to life later
User name checks out :']
Now we’re talking! #TeamAtari
power for his body and his devices