They’ll justify stuff like that by telling you they sold it to you at a discount price because the ads offset your costs. That’s what Amazon did with the cheap tablet I bought for my wife.
They’ll justify stuff like that by telling you they sold it to you at a discount price because the ads offset your costs. That’s what Amazon did with the cheap tablet I bought for my wife.
You don’t need to be allergic to advertisement to want avoid shit like this. The fucking audacity of companies these days. There is no place they won’t try to shove these damn things to the detriment of every product, service, and personal moment. If they could put screens under your eyelids you’d have to watch drug ads one blink at a time and your dreams would be sponsored by AT&T.
Global science community once again held back by shitty xenophobic governments.
I’m gonna apply extra adhesive so my denture doesn’t come loose when I bite him.
Now listen here you little shits…
I have to return some video tapes.
Damn. You understood the assignment. Also, I was sure that story was going somewhere else horrifying.
She was going to be talking anyway
Knock some of their teeth loose and they can do the whistling part themselves
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts… like in Shrek.
Kind of reminds me of a DnD campaign prompt I read about once: A seer predicts a coming danger that has the potential to destroy their small kingdom. The king immediately takes action and seeks the greatest mercenaries that money can buy to protect his people. He provides his son, the high prince, with the full treasury, ever single gold piece, and sends him into the badlands to find their champions. The prince immediately blows the gold on hookers and drugs. Panicking and with the small chunk of change left, he hires a party of 5 inept misfits instead. You are those misfits. Good luck, champions.
I mean, being racist is such a huge part of your life. Why wouldn’t you want to do it well? Anything worth doing is worth doing right.
Poser racists think all Asian people are Chinese, all Hispanic people are Mexican, and all Black people are African. Professional racists can identify your home region by the minute traits that they loath about you.
“The slight trill in their accent and the width of the bridge of their nose tells me that they are from the Cassidian Provence of Blahgistan just north of the Arno Mountain range… bloody Cassidians taking our jobs!”
They’ll also list height in meters and centimeters, but list driving distance in miles.
They’re on the same side in that they are on the side of taking your money and giving you nothing. Ironically, that also means they’re not on the same side of this situation where one is the insurer and one the insured.
Thanks. Full disclosure, I commented those the last time I saw this picture posted, so i didn’t just come up with them now. It was months ago. They are all mine though, except the obvious Spock on a Cock.
Hand to God, those are 100 percent my own
Spock on a Cock?
Vulcan on a Hulk Hen?
A Star Trekker on a big pecker?
Resting scowl and a giant fowl?
Half breed and an avian steed?
S’Chn T’Gai on a mount that can’t fly?
Paas Easter Egg strategy.