ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Not significant but casual. E.g., when I’m headed to wawa and I ask my husband if he wants anything, he says “yeah, a blue gatorade”.
I have no clue what Geocities is
Pardon me while my bones crumble to dust
Ugly bags of mostly water
It’s a trickle-up economy.
Ha, called it! It’s a great song. Music video is kinda neat too.
It’s on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtrack “Radio Sunnydale”, and the song before it is Blue by Angie Hart. So these two songs are linked in my head, and every time I listen to one, I immediately have to listen to the other. How’s that for a Pavlovian response? ;)
Funny…I think of Aimee Mann!
At this point I stick to the lager drink, matched one-for-one with the water drink. Hashtag aging…
Whoops you’re right - corrected, thanks!
African-American Vernacular English (basically Black dialect) for ‘mom’. Might be dated by now?
That happens when you break the Warp 10 threshold (in normal space, doesn’t happen if you’re in a transwarp corridor).
Unrelated: when did peach start signifying ass? It meant pussy when I was a teenager.
Girl I’m with you. It feels like they’re never really clean!
By definition a fetus is not a fully developed human…
Break out of frames!