Nano is just better and I’ll happily die on this hill
Nano is just better and I’ll happily die on this hill
Damn, now I’m just “this person”? I care immensely about the Palestinian people dying, thanks very much. I’m just being realistic about our options. In what possible way was sitting this out and letting Trump take over better for literally anybody in the world at all? Forget skin color, Trump and Elon taking over is bad for everybody expect the uber wealthy.
Just rolling over and letting a man who admitted he’d be a dictator on day one as well as saying he’d rather destroy Gaza than find a peaceful solution was definitely worth it to stick it to the Dems!
I tried using it to spit ball ideas for my DMing. I was running a campaign set in a real life location known for a specific thing. Even if I told it to not include that thing, it would still shoe horn it in random spots. It quickly became absolutely useless once I didn’t need that thing included
Sorry for being vague, I just didn’t want to post my home town on here
Yeah, now we just get continued and worsened genocide in Gaza and an even faster decline into fascism in the United States! This was definitely worth it to stick it to the Dems!
And before you call me a lib, I’m not. I just have 2 brain cells to rub together and understood that voting 3rd party is sadly a complete and utter waste of time in our system. I also understood that letting Trump get elected was going to make things far, far worse like it already has.
Dems were far from perfect and aren’t much better than the Republicans, but they are still better. I would love it if the socialist party or at least one leftist party could get elected, but I live under this fucked up system and until it’s gone, we’re stuck with 2 parties. At least until Trump or Elon bans Democrats from existing. Neither party will change that, but one of them is definitively better than the other
I pretty much stopped watching after Emily stopped being on camera and unsubbed entirely after the harassment and overworking allegations came out.
And I’m not even a Linux person 99% of the time! I do run a home server, but my daily driver is windows. Emily was just one of the only people on the channel that not only seemed to know exactly what she was talking about, but also didn’t behave like a total tech dude bro the entire time
ackshually, that’s not “goth” that’s “visigoth”, which is less wearing black and being strange as fuck and more wearing armor and sacking capitals.
Kids these days don’t even know their gothic sub cultures smh…
Hi, web dev here -
The other guys correct. For big sites and most smaller ones, it’s because they can squeeze in SEO keywords and ad spots into their BS stories. Some smaller ones might do it cause “everyone else does it”, but the vast majority is just trying to improve recipe rankings, to the point that older recipes I’ve had bookmarked have had stories added to them years after upload.
Every game should copy Another Crabs Treasures easy mode - just hand the player s gun!
Did you not just hit the “summon a vehicle” button that the game gives you to summon one of the many cars the game gives out for free? Cause it’s there. I believe they tell you about it during the prologue and it’s enabled before then.
Did you just skip all tutorials or something? I’m struggling to understand how on earth you got stuck so bad you ended up quitting the game. Plus, if you’re half way through, you have a minimum of 2 vehicles, the starting car and Jackie’s bike, if not even more. Wtf were you even doing?
Apparently I’ll need to watch that soon!
Wait, is this live action Boimler?
Oh shit, it is!
True, but I’m still gonna swear at it until I get to talk to a human
50/50? Paul would easily get his ass kicked in a real fight against Carter!
Except this is the 6th recall this year
I’ll have you know I’ve never paid for Windows in my life!
And have to dig up even more earth using even more big machines? If you did a 50ft power line underground, that’s 50 ft of earth that has to be dug up, not to mention what happens whenever something inevitably goes wrong and you have to dig it all up again. Then you also have to bury transformers, which means you need to cool them.
There’s many, many good reasons that we use power lines over burying them. Mostly, power lines are so significantly cheaper and easier that it’s not even comparable. I’ve seen the bill when a buried fiber line gets broken. It is crazy expensive.
I’ve been using Firefox on Android since it came out. I’ve had 0 issues.
And as far as I’m aware, the newest version of Android Firefox (previously called “preview” doesn’t use an ounce of chrome, even for temporary browser pages
Damn, just call me out dude
I’ll have you know I know exactly how to install Linux and simply choose not to!
(I ran Ubuntu for 3 years)
The key difference here is “it’s printed at the bottom”.
I don’t immediately need a user guide to tell me how to save and exit the program