frankly, and people can call me an asshole for this but i truly do mean it as kindly as possible, talking to you doesn’t seem worth my time. someone who knows you in your life and cares is in a much better position to explain why what you’re saying is not just simple, but morally maladjusted.
yeah i was rude to you. you were espousing ideas that are racist in nature. no i don’t have a responsibility to explain before i respond negatively in turn. i really do hope you take this and your admitted previous bad receptions as an indication you should study what race actually is, and get a clearer idea of what “human classifications [sic]” really are. what you are saying is wrong and hurtful. it makes people’s lives worse when you say things like this and you don’t really care
i think the original commenter is just reaffirming the idea presented in the meme by sharing their own conceptions of iran. this highlights how westerners generally seem to view the region.
i wouldn’t use the word mediterranean here myself but i see where they’re coming from saying that, especially with regards to cultural perception versus the real, lived culture.
westerners traditionally associate the stylings of like, Parthia or maybe the Sassanids with iran/persia. those cultures are also inextricably linked with a wider western image of the bronze age and greece. i think the more interesting part of note here is that westerners tend to conflate classical cultures as all having a general “vibe” that might be described as mediterranean, and both in the case of modern iran or greece it seems that this lasting cultural image is heavily impressed in the social consciousness