Who handwrites an essay before going out to kill someone? That just feels hard to believe.
The kind of person who writes a message on the bullet casing (and fully expects to get caught).
Who handwrites an essay before going out to kill someone? That just feels hard to believe.
The kind of person who writes a message on the bullet casing (and fully expects to get caught).
Web 3 was crypto scams, we’re up to web 6 or 7 by now
The FOMO based businesses are preying on people with poor impulse control…which there are no shortage of in the nerd world.
I’m uh…pretty sure we already have a plant that grows cocaine?
Like you’re not waiting for the person in front of you in self-checkout to fumble their way through scanning those items? Who do you think is faster at it, the boomer in front of you in line or someone who does it all day? You’re just buying into the bullshit narrative you’re being fed.
Remember that multibillion dollar corporations are pushing you to self checkout because they are too cheap to pay someone minimum wage to work a register. The boomers are right.
If America went from school shootings to billionaire shootings I wouldn’t be mad. Think billionaires can afford pretty good security details though.
Yes, healers in ff14 are expected to be pushing out damage whenever possible (and in many circumstances it’s possible to weave your heals between your damage spells so you don’t even need to trade off DPS for healing).
Power consumption is part of the equation now too. You’ll often see newer generation hardware that has comparable performance to a last gen model but is a lot more power efficient.
When I recently upgraded my phone I was surprised how little got brought over automatically and how hard it was to migrate configurations. If it actually copies over all my preferences from old phone to new phone, then great. If it’s just logins then that’s not really useful.
Out of curiosity are any similar products actually good? My company uses Webex and frankly I’d rather use teams.
Sweet ergomech laptop
I think they call them devops now.
Gen Z uses💀to mean laughing from what I understand.
Early voting is a better solution to the problem than making it a day off, though.
Leave memos around the party talking about your experiments, on Umbrella Corp letterhead
It turns out that a German word for ticket is…“ticket”
No ticket.
Charcoal flavor with propane convenience. I’ve definitely seen gas grills with some sort of insert where you can put charcoal or mesquite.