Back in the very early 2000s my dad went back to college. There he learne c++ but he also leatned that a great programer makes the program work ans keeps it small. Even bavk his teacher was complianing about newer programs taking up more and more ram.
You dont have to be an expert, i barely know anything about the kinux cli but i still use linux daily
Yes, not using ai is the guardrail
Really shows the difference between Knowing how to work with, and how it works
Yes and that’s the only problem with that movie
I wonder how long until all the distros have this.
Wrll you have to use a pixel phone to use graphene os
You eXcrete on X
Well some llm have been caught wirh cp in their training data
Well there is truth in that. Look at politics. Lots of people what a better workd and know what the end result us , but they don’t know how to get that. Or for a simple example. People will reply to survives saying they want dark roasted coffee, but they mostly buy medium roast i the usa.
See this why we should my balls degree standard.
Modern white supremacists love Israel because it is a useful Jew container
well you can buy a rooted phone that runs some thing like lineage preinstalled.
Oh no i am aware of that distinction. I just think it needs to go away and be replaced.
Currently sec 230 treats websites as not responsible for user generated content. Example, if I made a video defaming someone I get sued but YouTube is in the clear. But if The New York Times publishes an article defaming someone they get sued not just the writer.
Why? Because NYT published that article but YouTube just hosts it. This publisher platform distinction is not stated in section 230 but it is part of usa law.
Yeah i have made that argument before. By pushing content via user recommended lists and auto play YouTube becomes a publisher and meeds to be held accountable
Well i am on both. A lack of rpg and splatoon keeps me mostly on Reddit