I just discovered words can have multiple different meanings
I just discovered words can have multiple different meanings
wikipedia appears to say twinks are only accidentally privileged
I use .tar.gz in personal backups because it’s built in, and because its the command I could get custom subdirectory exclusion to work on.
I really want to know why they implemented a piece of software that’s this complicated in assembly. Is it just speed? Then I also want to know what all the great numbers of video codecs I have just uncovered after clicking on “the input format must be .y4m” in their Readme. Since OP seem to know about the 306 options of the official AOM encoder a little, and rav1e also sounds rather CLI-heavy, this also gets my uneducated head wondering where these products are used. Do other app developers drop it in like ffmpeg? Probably. It also sounds like Disney & Co. just have some servers that they have scripted to “encode the corporate fortune”. How true is this?
Read the actual forum directly if you want to extend your daily fix of other tech people’s interesting opinions: https://www.realworldtech.com/forum/?threadid=217627&curpostid=217694
Tom Scott says: “then, it presses the F24 key.” https://youtu.be/lIFE7h3m40U?t=986
I’m so sorry that some people in this thread have much worse nightmares than I have. I don’t recall having any nightmares that you might call visually grotesque.
When I was in High School, I apparently discovered that looking at a person signals interest in the person, and that it’s possible to look at something in this way on accident, or at least without conscious planning. From this I concluded into a mild obsession to basically be conscious of what I am looking at at almost every point in time. In hindsight, it feels kind of like the “you are now breathing manually” meme. This basically only happened with two people, along with it slightly reinforcing my bias against looking at girls, because I’m probably gay anyway, let them not get any ideas.* (this thought is completely stupid in any other way than being moderately considerate. it probably didn’t do anything anyway, because I’m not very socially active and had approximately 1-2 friends.)
*(I cultivate an off-internet bonus genre of brainworms where being asexual reinforces my faux-antiquated fear of being perceived as attracted to someone, which may or may not make sense)