Avatar is a lemming in bed because this account wasn’t intended to be used except for creating communities… and then my instance announced it was closing.
Hmm, in theory I don’t have a problem with an AI telling me the answer to my question or whatever I’m searching for - but this isn’t a web search. If I’m actually searching for a particular page or context, then I want to be able to do that.
These are two entirely different things, and if Google goes down this route they aren’t a search engine anymore - they are an LLM provider.
Lawful Good - Saved in specific places
Lawful Evil - Saved in recycle bin
Neutral Good - Saved in downloads
Neutral Evil - Saved in downloads or documents but you’re not sure which one
Chaotic Good - Everything goes on desktop
Chaotic Evil - Everything goes into a random location
X as in Xi Jinping
P for Pterodactyl
S for Sea
W for Why
E for Eye
G for Gnu
J for Jalapeño
Not a clue!
I thought it was sausage and cheese. Maybe it’s bangers and mash - splash (pretty surely that’s not normal cockney and still doesn’t make sense anyway)
I can’t stop looking at this.
Upvoted for NetSurf. I wrote the Amiga frontend for it, and as such it’s my favourite browser on that platform (OS4 anyway - the OS3 build is very unstable)
I thought the rest was “yippee-ki-ooo”, so I was wondering how that was a bad word to learn.
Then you have to check those answers, so you need to search for an authoritative source anyway… which means you need a regular search engine. At that point you may as well have used the search engine in the first place.
If Google does this, you’ll need to find an alternative search engine to check Google against… so you may as well just switch to a different search engine in the first place.
There are things that LLMs are good at, being a search engine isn’t one of them. Although I have asked searchy type questions and got some interesting links back which I probably wouldn’t have found on a normal web search with the terms I was using, so they can be useful as a supplementary search tool. I’d rather that than it just giving the answers, which then need to be fact checked elsewhere.