Maybe, if there are nice picnic meals in Heaven.
no thoughts, only froggo
Maybe, if there are nice picnic meals in Heaven.
I can only agree with you when pigs fly.
It certainly is way more attractive than, say, not believing misogynist pseudoscience or having basic hygiene.
Add Christian and cishet to that.
Kinda hard to ‘move on’ while watching other people across the pond lose their human rights and possibly getting invaded by Russia myself.
Zoidberg 2024
Make Decapod 10 great again!
You can never know when you end up in a battle.
I think that digging the bullet out before you can patch up the wound would result in losing a lost of blood? I’m not sure but at least if you get stabbed or have an arrow shot into you, then you shouldn’t remove it before you are in a place where you can receive proper medical care.
I wonder which one costs more to hire, mechanic or necromancer?
I think that “kokoa koko kokko kokoon” is a perfectly normal sentence and no one can change my mind.
Always check your produce before eating it!
Stop being spiderist, arachnids are people too!
Spiderist sounds more like someone who discriminates against spiders.
I think somewhere between 2 and 3. 3 looks weird because the spider’s ass is uncovered (it’s like if your pants ended at the crotch) and 2 looks more like a spider jumpsuit or pants pulled over the belly.
The revolution shall start at sunrise dusk!
You mean plastic, which will degrade and spread into nature, remaining there practically forever?
they better get out of there before i call the cops
Those horns would be soooo impractical in an actual battle.
I don’t think this post is serious…