Break the parasite up!
Break the parasite up!
Russians, Chinese and Arabs in London are bigger issues city no doubt. At least in Ireland the good guys launder their money and evade taxes.
Good to see irelsnd so rich and homeless population is on rise. As if that’s how system is intended to work.
The richer the country the more homeless
American way?
Is this supposed to justify the behavior?
Should Ireland be sanctioned or put on that list?
That’s called having power, but people ain’t got to bootlick… That would be a start.
That guy is still a cog… Bezos or gates or buffet or musk is closer to luthor
At this point you have to assume that if you are not using your own install of custom Android ROM, your end point is not secure beyond keeping stupid criminals out
The public broohaha surrounding that event makes me think Apple is providing a back door and this psyop was to make people comfortable trusting Apple.
Just a theory though. But apple is all proprietary so nothing is stopping them from doing whatever they want or what ever FISA order said.
Sir this is a class war.
Nobody cares about his kids and they were not a topic of discussion until media pulled them in.
If you gonna do this moral grand standing, talk to the big media.
He made life changing mind and his kids will get it all. I doubt they give any fuck how he made it.
They will live large while rest of us are at risk of getting screwed by the health insurance industry when we are most vulnerable.
You got an example we can check?
I see reddit is heavily supressing anything luigi related with only a few being permitted to stay up but half the comments are removed lol
Owner class is really hating the public sentiment
There still people who think police is not on the owner class team lol
It is a class war, get woke
this aint a mcd’s sir/ma’am,… i didn’t see nothing.
deff a chill guy, clearly the ladies noticed. nothing wrong with that.
There is no law, when you a ceo
That’s a vector of attack and it has been exploited by randos.
I think if it wasn’t for that, we wouldn’t know that it can be that easy to call in swat someone, these people do no diligence, just go in hot.
This is way to easy to socially engineer, government must know this and yet it still happens.
Two bullets back of the head?
A Boeing suicide…
You know we all love a good laugh about russians falling out from a window but when we will start asking questions why whistle blowers “dying” is a normal occurrence in the US.
too many rats, won’t be eating here again
factually correct statement?
YouTube is the best thing that happened to the working class. Access to human knowledge
But yes many ended watching Ben Shapiro or some other bootlicker