I love how no one in the comments specifically mentions his name, like he’s fucking Voldemort or something.
Jensen Huang!
I love how no one in the comments specifically mentions his name, like he’s fucking Voldemort or something.
Jensen Huang!
Breathe Right Strips = Sniffer Stickers
I always find it interesting that our ancestors were for the most part fruitarians (fruits, grasses) about 3.5 million years ago. As we evolved, we expanded our diets to include vegetables, meats, and grains, leading to a better balanced diet, which is good especially considering we don’t hunt and gather like they once did.
Ugh, please tell me you saved me a gummer.
I used to get mad and chuck the controller at the NES. Imagine my surprise one day when I broke the cartridge door off. Fucking Battletoads.
The Devil with The Yellow Eyes. Totally worth the watch, has a great cast and soundtrack.
Run sequence oyster.
I read the title and immediately thought Estrogen. Explains where my head is at these days.
Hey cousin! Let’s go bowling!
Liked “Dear iPhone users:”
True, but my 580 is showing it’s age. A lot of newer titles push it too hard, where even with low game settings and Adrenalin tweaks, it still suffers. Enshrouded was almost a slide show. I’m lucky I can still play Satisfactory (especially since they recently updated to UE5).
You never realize how heavy your phone is until it hits you in the face.
Reminds me of Stephen Colbert’s “You’re On Notice!” board. Can we bring that meme back?
We’re not so different, you and I, we’re both corn of action.
I’m Ignatius Calhoun, 22nd President of the Tappahonnock Ham Society, and on behalf of the membership, thank you for chatting with us about a subject we hold most dear. I speak, of course, of ham.
Don’t forget Jensen Ackles!