Fellow people who grew up poor?
Fellow people who grew up poor?
I haven’t used enlightenment but I’ve always heard interesting things about it. Does anyone have any experience with it or know why it be like that
Stupid and slow
You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!
Damn, how are you so confident?
Copilot key
I’m dreading the time I’m gonna have to buy a laptop now
There’s dozens of us!
Wtf, why do we have the same wallpaper?
I’ve accepted the grime. Became friends with it
We need more texts like these. Different people respond to different kinds of content/appeals. I personally very much agree with this but I think some people would reject the entire idea because they might draw their line at piracy; which can be shifted, and I think that’s why we need way more of these messages
Heck yeah! There’s so much gatekeeping and tribalism that it kinda sucks out the joy a little bit
Where were you when yay/paru was kill
I was at home trying to yay
yay: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.14: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Libera is quite active
But they’re also working on sidebar tabs. It’s out in nightly already
It’s a bit delayed
And the developers behind VLC seem like very cool people, too!
I always would recommend people to switch to emacs. It is truly a wonderfully transformative experience. But in your case, the question is why do you want to quit using (n)vim?
Wow, thanks for the link. It’s beautiful