Okay but consider them taking this moment to let Elon buy it and using it to control information on the clients end 💀
Okay but consider them taking this moment to let Elon buy it and using it to control information on the clients end 💀
If they’ve been calling this out for months, they’ve missed years.
It’s called functional literacy, which is what’s being talked to here. Also, your anecdote fails to address other possibilities. I have a friend that, under stress of a new location, may lose the ability to read menus, and their literacy matches other academics in their field. I am a reader that cannot read aloud because that is an entirely different skill than reading.
Somehow this comment replied to the wrong one, oops!
I assumed they were basically reverse snake fangs
It’s called functional literacy, which is what’s being talked to here. Also, your anecdote fails to address other possibilities. I have a friend that, under stress of a new location, may lose the ability to read menus, and their literacy matches other academics in their field. I am a reader that cannot read aloud because that is an entirely different skill than reading.
Illiterate refers to both being able to read basic words all the way up to reading comprehenson. Equally possible he simply cannot understand what he reads and is anti-intellectual as that seems to be on the rise in the US.
IBM supported the Nazis, and if they’re the only tech giant not fighting musk they’re going to get the kickbacks. Corps dont do “writing on the wall” anymore, they chase money, which may look similar but the goals are different.
Once in a generation means within the lifespan of a generation, not till a new generation is born.
Name one person prostituting for $5 that is in a stable living situation.
Haha vandalizing someones property when they’re in an unstable living situation, lol this is so funny.
“It’s crazy, all we had to do was inverse the YT algorithm,” said anonymous Google employee.
Got mine 2 4k monitors tall when I showed my wife.
Good, you deserve all those amenities. Guess I’m a bad person for saying everyone deserves them ¯\(ツ)/¯
Better than beating your head in with a brick and calling others edgy.
Anyone who is not one of the frogs in the pot.
Why not fix the root of your problem instead of the symptoms tho?
That’s my thought, that it’s essentially pulled into the poison glad sac