I think the LIDAR and other sensors are supposed to be IR and see in the dark.
I think the LIDAR and other sensors are supposed to be IR and see in the dark.
Yes, people were hating on shadow banning, but this is ever worse as it will happen to you even if you did nothing wrong. All you had to do is choose the wrong instance, which everyone said it didn’t matter what you picked at the beginning.
Because Reddit unites everyone with the same interest in a single or at worst few subreddits. Lemmy has over 9000 instances with a bunch of communities each, half of which are defederating the other half without their users even knowing. If we thought reddit search was bad, lemmy search is non-existent. I really wanted lemmy to work, but even for someone with decent knowledge about tech it was a nightmare to figure this out. The main advantage of fediverse which is the decentralization turned out to be its main disadvantage with so much fragmentation and censorship in the form of defederation…
What propaganda? I think you have to go back and read my post once more… The thread started from solar panels in the desert. At the moment the most widely used grid storage is pumped hydro, how will you do that in the desert? Next most used tech RIGHT NOW is lithium batteries. Other solutions exist, but how many are there implemented and ready to capture that energy right now? Oh, not so many? Then putting up more solar panels hoping that one day we have the storage for them is foolish, these panles lose efficiency over time. I don’t have an agenda to spread, there is no propaganda, I am only talking about the an issue which exists, which is energy storage, for which we have some solutions, with their pros and cons, but not close to being implemented.
Chill, no need to be stressed. Part of the ideas you mentioned are already implemented in some cases, but they are not without drawbacks. Pumped hydro is good, but has high maintainance costs, messes with the fish and requires large bodies of water, how do you get tbat in the desert? Flywheels have good inertia, great for stabilizing the grid, Ireland has some for that exact reason, but can’t store a whole lot. And heating up roxks and sand may work if you need heat at night, but you need electricity, so you need water to turn into steam to produce it. Sodium batteries look the most promising, we’ll see how they develop. But until we get these storqge facilities built, adding more solar would only destabilise the grids even more.
Solar only works during the day. During night you need batteries which are not renewable. Mining lithium trashes ecosystems and we probably have enough for like 50 more years at this rate, cobalt is extracted through slave labour. And we’ve seen how well recycling works for other materials which are less complex. So all these renewables aren’t all that green in every aspect. Unless we solve the energy storage problem it isn’t as simple as putting up more panels.
So what exactly do you think a russian citizen can do to opose the war? Are you aware of the people protesting with blank peaces of paper being taken away? Or even high ranking people “falling from the balcony”
Do you also think that North Koreans support and enjoy their way of living?
There is a long way from not having much choice in oposing something to actually supporting it…
To ensure your unecrypted data(which is rare these days) is not clear-text in an untrusted network such as public wifi.
If you watch enough youtube per month to see an hour of ads and you can’t block ads for some reason, you may actually be losing time/money by not paying the subscription. That said, there are ad blockers for almost every platform so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one that works.
Because for the half of people that take longer trips some might consider bikes unsuitable. And for the half that does take short trips I doubt they would care or even consider it, just like you. But I guess that’s enough offtopic for this thread. So if you want to take the car out for a 2km trip go for it, as for me 8’ll just walk it, I don’t mind a bit of rain or snow as I specifically chose a city that is walkable so I got all I need in 30 mins walking distance or bus ride. I don’t even need a car inside the city unless grabbing something heavier from the supply store, but even for that I can go see the item in the store and they will deliver it. Definetly not a daily thing tho
Pulling things out of context I see… That thread was about supply and demand being unbalanced leading to scalping. It doesn’t matter if it’s cars, GPUs, PS5s or <insert item not in stock>. It’s how economy works.
Weight training is very nice for muscle growth and all, but have you tried cycling as a healthy cardio alternative?
If almost a third of trips are less than a mile I feel like the cars are being overused… I am not dismissing the legitimate reasons like rain or carrying kids, although umbrellas and covered strollers have been invented, but I doubt that contributes much to that statistic. If I were to guess, many of these short trips are to the closest mcdonald’s drive-through, but regardless.
If gas prices weren’t so low(because the US spread freedom to every oil rich country to ensure that), I am pretty sure these statistics would look a lot different. I am sure the urban planning and missing sidewalks don’t help, but if fuel was more expensive there would be a lot more people walking, therefore creating incentive for a change.
I doubt the average person needs to do that daily over such a short distance.
Do people even need a car for a 3 miles trip? You can cover that on a bike in 15-20 mins at a chill pace… Also, 28% of trips are less than a mile? People can’t walk a mile?
I have to say I haven’t looked into RPI history, I only remember a video where they were marketing a device that is affordable and very much suitable for learning programming, mostly aimed at kids. Remembering that and seeing them now on the exchange kinda leads to a contradiction in my mind. Especially since a year ago you couldn’t even buy a device if you had the money, let alone if you couldb’t afford one as they intended at the beginnings.
I have a dell wyse 5070 with a j4105 cpu that runs home assistant with frigate and z2m around 3-5W with a bluetooth and zigbee stick attached. If more processing is needed it will boost to 15w for example during docker container updates, but it will also perform much better in these situations than the PI does. It costed me ~85€ from a refurbish shop and even had 1 year warranty. It came with 4gb ram, 128gb ssd, power supply and case ofc. It was a no brainer at the time when just the PI4 alone was like 80€ for 4 gb ram version if you could find it in stock. And that didn’t include case, power supply or sd card.
I thought they started from the idea of creating an affordable device mostly for people that need and can’t afford a proper computer… I guess money gave them amnesia
What is more conveniant about sms compared to other apps? You still have to open the app, choose the contact from the list and start typing. It’s the exact same options. If I do it on the sms app, signal app, telegram or messanger app it’s still the same 2 taps then start typing. The only difference is what’s on the other side. If they only use sms then it’s obvious you have no other choice of communicating with them, but you can’t say it’s more conveniant.
You’ve listed some kinda vague concepts, family and friendship may be free, but their help and attention costs money and time. As for sunshine, that costs energy, atoms are fused into other atoms to produce the light, so while we aren’t paying it, it is getting “spent”. Peace is furthest away from free, just look at how much the wars to restore peace cost
For any camera to see IR, there must be IR light there to be seen. LIDAR and proximity sensors emit their own light, but TIL tesla doesn’t have any… Great tech…my 300€ vacuum bot has LIDAR… Ofc it doesn’t go 130KM/h in the dark, but I was 99.99% sure any self-driving car had the bare minimum of sensors, but I guess Tesla isn’t one of them.