That sounds tasty, where do I buy it?
That sounds tasty, where do I buy it?
Before having wireless earphones I had habit off putting keys with wallet and phone on its own, but since I switched to wireless earbuds they don’t fit with large ass phones, so I have to put them with wallet. I already broke one case of earbuds pulling out keys from the pocket that had everything. I switched to keeping my phone and keys in the same pocket.
I’ve been doing that for almost a decade now and I don’t see the value proposition of folding phones yet where I can justify changing my habits again and taking care of yet another tool in my life.
Maybe one day if they had full computer with root privileges in my pocket, I’d consider changing my habits to carry that and make sure it is taken care of.
There are two types of people
In my experience people who love folding phones have habit of taking care of their phones that no one is sitting on it on the couch, that keys are not in the same pocket as phone, etc etc
Then there are people like me who don’t want to bother with taking care of a phone. And we hate folding phones. I like that sometimes my phone is on bed and I am sleeping I don’t have to worry about what if i roll onto my phone in my sleep. I know my phone will live.
I’m sure, I was pointing out why even as a customer you should be mad
The reason so many people are mad is sometimes the suit guy even comes back saying, sorry man didn’t find a discount, but here is your slip. Meanwhile he has changed the slip and added his name and would get the commission without doing anything.
That’s how the show should always be described
Do you think you have a link for it, I’d help me in a policy paper I’m helping write.
If she grows 1000,000 she becomes Megga Bobby Brown
Missing article was here It didn’t contain much other than dates it was filed and plaintiffs information. Which is a standard practice anywhere.
In July 2024, ANI filed a lawsuit against Wikimedia Foundation in the Delhi High Court — claiming to have been defamed in its article on Wikipedia — and sought ₹2 crore (US$240,000) in damages.[14][15][16] At the time of the suit’s filing, the Wikipedia article about ANI said the news agency had, “been accused of having served as a propaganda tool for the incumbent central government, distributing materials from a vast network of fake news websites, and misreporting events on multiple occasions”. The filing accused Wikipedia of publishing, “false and defamatory content with the malicious intent of tarnishing the news agency’s reputation, and aimed to discredit its goodwill”.[17][14][18][19]
The article is still up, Wikipedia calling ANI biased,
So not really sure, why the massive outrage. Removing intricate details from ongoing lawsuits is standard practice.
While the lawsuit by ANI demands that editors who made the edit claiming ANI as govt mouth piece be identified, Wikipedia hasn’t done it yet and the article is right about setting a dangerous precedent if high court forces Wikipedia to reveal the names. But at the same time article is biased and has misleading information such as > In an unprecedented move, Wikipedia removed the page from its platform on October 21.>
You can see some well noted examples of articles being removed before from Wikipedia here . So there is clearly precedent for removal of articles. I used love vox a decade ago, but now I see these half truths/partial stories are a commonplace and I’m happy to have ditched vox now.
I think that’s brilliant
Now that brother, is storytelling.
Oh some people are real mad. How dare you say all Christianity? /s
Oh they’d respond exactly the same.
Adding to it, animation quality is top notch.
They got Canada right, then I thought c degrees is a joke because australia inverted or something, but then American is also c degrees, so I’m thinking OP of the meme also needs some more clarity.
I am fairly sure it’s GitS, but I could be wrong