I appreciate why you’re doing that and am just offering feedback you are welcome to ignore: it made me think you’re a bit of a douche and I didn’t feel like interacting with you much after that.
I appreciate why you’re doing that and am just offering feedback you are welcome to ignore: it made me think you’re a bit of a douche and I didn’t feel like interacting with you much after that.
Did you just have a whole conversation with yourself? Lol at least give me a chance to respond.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Will check them out, cheers
It either restarts part way through or stops playing as if it can’t buffer anymore.
It comes and goes, sometimes I’ll go a couple of weeks of it working fine then for a week or more i get the above issues.
Honestly the mobile app doesn’t work for such long periods of time that I’ve all but given up and gone back to YouTube.
If anyone knows an app to replace YouTube that is actually reliable then let me know! I’m in the market.
I’m with you…except I choose to believe there’s a reason they’re going bust (because no, folks aren’t choosing to spend on this)
That said, I’d like to remind everyone that Elon Musk has the money and power to end homeless and poverty in the US and chooses not to.
And that one guy got his comeuppance
I read that to say that the right to bear arms is only so when a well regulated militia is needed to defend a free state. Given that it’s no longer the case, the right to bear arms does not exist- according to the 2nd amendment!
It’s not void or irrelevant, it has infact predicted and enshrined into law that there is no right to bear arms anymore.
She’s already left you the best gift she could. You.
I think your experiences are clouding your judgement. Just because you grew up then doesn’t mean you have knowledge of everyone who grew up then, nor on everyone growing up now.
I am not much younger than you and I distinctly recall parents and police responding to several incidents. But same deal, just because i saw it doesn’t make it universally true.
Clearly you’re biased by your own experience. That’s just unfortunate, most people are not murderers.
You were in a kid in the 70s/80s and now? Curious.
Where are you getting your information?
You’ve been watching too many movies
Yeah, what’s stopping the richest guy in the world just buying blue-sky as well?
That’s okay, Europe has your back while you look inwards yet again.
I can understand someone not wanting their kids to see the Scottish. But the English and the Welsh? Those people live SOUTH of the wall.
Haha that is some app name!
Probably because they want to be able to maintain users during device switches. Given much of the world is on an annual or bi-annual cycle it’d suck to lose your users each time.
You get it. Well said.