I had no clue those were a thing, thanks for letting me know. Does the dock require additional software on windows as well?
I had no clue those were a thing, thanks for letting me know. Does the dock require additional software on windows as well?
USB docking station should be supported (unless it’s one of those external battery ones that plug into the bottom of the laptop). Remoting into work is fine but depends on the setup. For example, openssh with rdp works fine, can’t vouch for other solutions but I’m sure you could get them working.
Edit: I have been informed that displaylink docks require additional software. I didn’t even know those were a thing so I don’t know how difficult it would be to setup.
Especially considering the news on poor adoption rates for windows 11, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case. It could also be an explanation as to why we are only seeing these ads added to w11 right now.
Do you know of any that haven’t used drugs? The only one I remember ended up being outed for juicing. I think it was vegan gains on YouTube, could be wrong but am interested.
I don’t really know what I’ll do. I currently have to dual boot windows 10 for work since I do unreal game dev. I guess push for managers to allow me to setup a Linux dev env? But Linux binaries for third party plugins arent always there. That’s where I got stuck last time I tried.
TIL, I had no clue why we call this arbitrary important file a file stab, but fs tab makes sense now. F stab is more fun to say though (but has probably confused more than just me)
I am astounded people managed to drive around Japan without gps. The signage is awful here. Even with gps it can be a struggle at times.