What do you mean by modern physics, exactly?
In general, even simple problems can get very messy very fast without simplifying the scenario.
What do you mean by modern physics, exactly?
In general, even simple problems can get very messy very fast without simplifying the scenario.
This is cool. Is it legit?
Sounds like a challenge!
NATO is a defensive alliance and the Israeli government is filled with war criminals who need to be thrown in the Hauge
Edit: To the instance-blocked guy who replied that “Thrown in the Hauge” has a weird energy:
Fine, I missed a capital letter. But also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hague_Penitentiary_Institution
Correction: The idiot who installed the shelf ALWAYS forgets to bolt the shelf into the wall unless you personally verify.
Trusting equipment you didn’t check gets you killed.
A fuckton of Newtons perpendicular to a support beam is different from 1k Newtons downward
I’d rather not spend eternity getting DP’d by a drain unclogger.
Except you don’t have respect. You came in here throwing around accusations of religious dogma.
Like, damn dude, I just eat more vegetables than you.
You’re intolerant of us because we have a different moral framework than you. You piss and moan at the mere mention of anything vegetarian.
Meanwhile I interact with meat eaters, every single fucking day, and I manage not to be a complete ass. You can’t seem to manage it even once.
No, you’re genuinely a doofus.
It’s an idiotic position. I don’t need to waste time trying to educate you. You’re convinced you’re correct.
All I can really do is call you a doofus.
(which you are)
My hope is that you will eventually learn that “FaCTs aND LoGiC” is not always sufficient to persuade someone who has their head up their ass.
Ha ha. What a doofus.
You would agree, then, that making fun of anti-vax people is unjustified, hateful, and forcing the religion of medicine down people’s throats?
It aint a religion my man.
It’s #7 on the combo menu.
Sonarr and radarr can automate torrent gathering. They can read a list of shows from places like Trakt, then ask torrent sites for the download once it becomes available.
Public torrent sites are less reliable and under relatively more surveillance. Private trackers are a good option, but it takes a bit of effort to gain entry and maintain membership.
There are also platforms like Seren or Fen, which are addons for a media program called Kodi. These programs can automate streaming from non-torrent sources. Free sources can have limited bandwidth, but it’s watchable usually. You’ll get the occasional gap in an episode. Paid services like Real Debrid can offer faster streaming and better coverage.
All of this should be behind a VPN.
Tell her that the scurvy money lubbars have formed a trade organization that hoards booty. Money be a terrible temptation for sin and removin temptation from them is the only Christian thing to do. Iffen yee fly the flag of a different country and only dock at exclusive ports they will never catch yee.
Yee can even rig yer ship to scuttle the moment yer actual flag is raised.
Yarr, this be the golden years for alternative home media platforms.
The politics are too convenient