SoCal coast here. First storm in 9 or so months… this is madness.
SoCal coast here. First storm in 9 or so months… this is madness.
I’m re-reading Eye of the World for the first time in about 15 year and see both CG and CE going on in spades…
Celebrating murder feels wrong and bad.
But the death of this vile parasite who presided over a nearly 150% increase in denials while living a life of careless excess is a net good.
Great call on the BtB episodes on ‘Muscular Christianity’.
Also the welding of bits of evangelicism, Catholic anti-abortion tenets and the republican party in the 60s in their episodes on Phylis Schlafly is both eye opening and horrifying. She’s one of the greatest political operatives of the modern era, and we’re paying the price for it.
Also gen-X. And very suspicious.
Wait… dinosaurs like a mating pair of T-rex that somehow survived Chicxulub only to evolve into smaller versions of themselves, retaining the absurdly small hands and killin’ fever.
That might explain something…
The word you’re looking for is ‘apropos’.
I’m lucky to have both.
The pain gets worse every year, but I’ve been dealing with it for closing in on 50 years so… meh I’m mostly used to it.
The tinnitus has a similar timeframe but seems to be getting worse MUCH faster. And is so much more distracting and ruinous to quality of life.
Elderly old man with a resting bitch face here. People don’t say ‘cheer up’ to me, but have frequently asked my wife why I’m so angry.
The legendary John Astin and Carolyn Jones might like a word!
That show was just weird as hell to watch growing up, along with The Munsters and to a lesser extent Bewitched.
To be fair, their movie portrayals were amazing too.
Why have I never heard of this amazing woman until today (second post mentioning her on Lemmy)?
I’m just glad I’m one of the 10,000.
Shut it down, this guy wins.
I’ve seen a wankpanzer on the 605 multiple times. Good to know at least one is off the road for now.