This firmware update applies to laserjets. Not inkjets.
This firmware update applies to laserjets. Not inkjets.
I used to just use Firefox for Google Meet, but it seems they broke it somewhere along the way. Probably on purpose.
“A couple of decades”
Buddy…it’s 55 years old now. Lol.
Interesting movie concept, though. Would love to see something like this remade today with modern revelations.
The efficiency comes from the lack of voice processing. The beeps and boops are easier on CPU resources than trying to parse spoken word.
That said, they should just communicate over an API like you said.
Debian and Mint user…yup I’m old.
Cool story. I don’t care if they know I fucking hate them.
Glory to you…and your distro.
Per usual, Rackspace is about 18 steps behind everyone else
God we’re so fucked
Thank you. Corrected.
I couldn’t care less about “the masses”. Most of the world are morons.
On the plus side, it’s nice that you don’t need a new ID for every Lemmy instance.
Any social media that you isn’t open and self hostable (Lemmy, Mastodon, etc) should not be used. That includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, TikTok, and more.
Most social media has, IMHO, been a net-negative for society and I am in the generation that grew up with it in its infancy.
Anybody who thought any corporation is going to “do the right thing”: Exhibit A why we’ve been telling you that’s fucking wrong all this time.
Oh CES. You always bring out the weirdest, zaniest, most unhinged ideas and put them center stage. And I love you for it.
Not the product…this is fucking disturbing.
Just saying that the Prius Plug-in Hybrid seems to be an excellent PHEV.
You’re probably a better candidate for a plug-in hybrid.
Would have been fine if it didn’t cost a kidney and they’d invested in app development more.
Too closed off. Too expensive.
They’re trolling and have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. I’ve literally not had a bootloader failure in a decade from multiple Linux OS installs.
The only time I had an issue was when I was playing with a bleeding edge distro and it borked full disk encryption, but that was INTENTIONALLY bleeding edge and I knew the risks.