6 months agoStuart Little - mice can’t talk anymore
Stuart Little - mice can’t talk anymore
Why are fast food places charging premium prices for slowed down food with cheaper ingredients? If I’m gonna spend over $10 or over 10 minutes at a place you bet your ass it isn’t gonna be a fast food joint. It’s gonna be a place with real ingredients and an atmosphere that isn’t overflowing toilets.
If someone studies Van Gogh and reproduces images, they’re still not making Van Gogh - they’re making their art inspired by Van Gogh. It still has their quirks and qualms and history behind the brush making it unique. If a computer studies Van Gogh and reproduces those images, it’s reproducing Van Gogh. It has no quirks or qualms or history. It’s just making Van Gogh as if Van Gogh was making Van Gogh.
Has anyone noticed too that if you put AI Blockers on your website Google delists it from their search?