It is another Firefox fork. If Firefox is in trouble, so is this project.
Actually, it seems that it isn’t just concept art. So I guess they are using seawater.
There is some concept art, so maybe that idea got scrapped for some reason?
I was under the impression that the bulk of water consumption for modern water parks was from flushing toilets bathroom facilities, so I’ll have to defer to your assumption of 20 gallons per hour for a slide. If a slide can accommodate 20 kids per hour, that means 1 gallon per kid, which seems pretty reasonable.
I doubt much of the water is wasted, though a tiny bit of spillage and a bit more evaporation is expected. The rest is pumped back to the top, as it would be hard to source fresh water fast enough to just waste it.
What sort of gender is *******?
Some people see their pre-transition selves as being one gender, and only use their post-transition gender to inform their new pronouns later. It was written by a person that interviewed her and apparently held her in high respect. All we can see is that there is an abrupt change in the pronouns, where Lynn presumably could have considered herself to match the new pronouns. We don’t know without asking her if she was misgendered by the article, and we are a bit late for that.
I really like the way Ameliorated/AME Wizard handles the debloating. You take a Windows ISO and install like usual, then run AME with a playbook (like AtlasOS), which strips out the bloat through a collection of scripts . AME Wizard is open source, and you can directly inspect all the scripts within the playbook, whereas Tiny11 is a whole ISO that is hard to verify. Not saying that I can personally vouch that it is completely trustworthy, as I have only taken a brief look at the code and scripts, but I like to have the option. It also means that I could modify out any changes I don’t like.
I found out about AME Wizard when I had to reformat a MiPad2 tablet with 2gb of RAM, and so far it has worked better than when the tablet was new. The only downside is that you go through the full Win 11 install, so you need enough available space and then reclaim the wasted space after, but it is at least mostly automated.
It will eventually be supported, and in the interim they have stated that they won’t keep biometric data obtained through ID.me once a verification is completed, or you can opt for an online interview where no biometrics are collected in the first place.
Who knows if ID.me will actually delete the data on their end though, or if the online interview is recorded by the provider.