You sweet summer child I use noscript
You sweet summer child I use noscript
You can lie about your fingerprint very much in fact it is the default on librewolf
first time hearing about it gota give it a try
nano just works for me man
this hits sı close home from the last time I broke my system
AUR changed my life
zen kernel enjoyers rejoice
mint is awesome
it is opt out… Besides why use a distro where you are in cannonical’s mercy when you can use anything else
you do you. But ubuntu is the windows of linux from the perspective of telemetry, propertiary software and such. Like if ur gonna switch to linux might aswell “fully” switch
Endeavour. Kryboard has no suggestions
“sudo kms” is such a mood 😭😭😭
fediverse cinematic universe
“tell them to consult the wiki” 💀💀💀
when I rfied t2 endavour it didn’t even boot. such a shame really
yea their weird choices of late made me realize that the focus was shifted to money-making and not privacy. So I jumped the ship
I migrated from firefox to librewolf AND Tor this week. Help.
No script offers more than just is blocking you can block certain elements fonts what all that. It is NOT redundant. And creepjs doesn’t even run without js which I don’t allow on non trusted websites. Also yeah sorry I wasn’t trying to be condescending.