Yep. I never use the smart TV features. I’ve a fire stick and yes I see the irony but the firesick is almost used exclusively for Kodi.
Yep. I never use the smart TV features. I’ve a fire stick and yes I see the irony but the firesick is almost used exclusively for Kodi.
Thanks. With being so young when I saw the scene I wasn’t sure if I just imagined parts of it.
I saw a horror movie as a kid where a guy was killed by something (snake, maybe) when sitting on the toilet. It made me very anxious when using a toilet for a long time. I think the movie was dreamcatcher based on the Stephen king book but I was only 6-7 when I saw that part so I could be completely wrong.
It also cuts off the end of the song. Which is personally more irritating for me.
This is it for me. I’m on a family plan so I don’t pay for premium and I’ve over 300 songs in a favourite playlist plus probably 100 odd albums saved. That’s a lot for me to try and transfer over.
I’ve nothing really to add but the gta game was San Andreas and Take Two replaced the already functional ports with the mobile version so all that’s available now is the shitey mobile version. I own/owned it on PS4/5 and PC and now I don’t play it at all because if I redownload it I’m getting the mobile version.
Do you take Wile.E.Coyote running into a wall after the roadrunner runs through it literally too?
I’m using a VPN to byapass porn blocks while I’m stuck as an inpatient in hospital.
He’s a popular author for young adults. Wrote the fault in our stars which was made into a massive movie. Seems like a great guy.
Good luck not getting killed then…
And? What the fuck does that change in regards to the lawsuit? He is the CEO and he is responsible, that’s the reality right now.
Skydiving without a parachute would be my first choice.
This has been my experience whenever I’ve phoned support.
Basically any that appeals. My biggest issue when I last used Linux with gaming was getting non steam games working through bottles or lutris, I had no idea how to set them up. Steam and proton played almost all of my library and worked well.
Same. I haven’t played as long as you as I think but I’m not really an mmo person as I get bored after a few weeks with most but FFXIV has kept me interested for years. And I’m really attached to my WoL at this point and I want to see where the journey goes.
Depends on if it’s a series I’m heavily invested in or a dev I really want to support. I’m massively into the trails of series and if I could preorder those I would.
Same. I usually get about 5 at a time when they’re at 60% or so. I’m trying to whittle it down as there’s probably a couple hundred on mine.
That’s never going to happen. Sony, Nintendo and Sega would all throw millions to stop that.
It’s because of how shit saints row 2 and gta 4 are on PC that I use my Xbox to play Xbox 360 games.
Same and as lemmy is the only one I use, it’s annoying as fuck.