Another convert to the L Ron Hoover Church of Appliantology. Don’t plook too hard. The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
Another convert to the L Ron Hoover Church of Appliantology. Don’t plook too hard. The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
Did you forget about baked beans? They don’t smell your fear, but others may fear your smell. Checkmate beanthesists.
The order Hemiptera would like a word with you.
Perhaps more specifically, escalators are funicular?
Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas lire le français.
That’s cool, but from what I can tell, he’s writing in English.
Similarly there is an old adage that a home plumbing repair will take three trips to the hardware store.
Accessed through Jira huh, that’s pretty epic but this aggression will not stand up! I can imagine the hackers sprinting away with baguettes under the their arm. Such a scrummy thing to do.
Baby boom generation ended in 1964. Retirement age for full social security benefits for people born between 1960-1964 is 67 years. Someone born in 1960 has slightly more than two years until full retirement age. Most boomers were/are not c-suite executives. Most boomers will rely heavily on social security benefits.
Unfathomable why so many boomers are enthralled by the candidate/party that want to destroy social security.
Something something, no war but class war.
Happiness is a warm gun?
Today’s date is March 1,697 2020.
Yortuk and Georg? You cruise correctly.
Classifying employees as management without having actual management duties is a violation of federal labor law. You might be owed back wages/overtime. Could be worth looking into. A class action lawsuit against a previous employer I had led to hundreds of employees getting checks for thousands of dollars, even after lawyers took their fee.
Some technical jobs can be legally classified exempt from overtime. That is different than being classified as management.
What about a Tower of Power?
Inquisitiveness and the spirit of adventure led many away from comfort and towards danger, simply to know what lies beyond the horizon.
A manual transmission for Bob?
Depends on the degree. Hospitals , factories and utilities all operate 24 hours. A wide range of roles/degrees needed there. With work from home time shifting and supporting a region in a time zone more acceptable to an individual’s sleep schedule is possible. I did this in IT, also common in finance and banking.
Swing and graveyard shifts exist.
Radio Raheem was very polarizing, you either LOVE him or HATE him.
A sleep mask and noise cancelling headphones, works every time.