Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
My mother keeps sending stuff over Facebook, my sister keeps inviting me to supposedly important events over Facebook, my work wants me to use twitter, and my brother in law keeps sending tiktock videos.
I remind all of them that I don’t use social media, and my Facebook account is only up for the 2 times a year I need it to get ahold of otherwise-unreachable people. If you want something, send me a text or email and be direct.
Yes, that is part of the joke.
My grandparents didn’t even update their will when my sister and I were born.
From my understanding, it’s how many processes it’s running?,
Could be open tabs, but my Firefox always has at least (3) even when I’ve just opened it.
… Aren’t we all, in one way or another?
I mean, I’ve had my knee crushed by a sledgehammer. My left hand has been run through with a knife. I’ve taken a bullet to the hip through a vehicle door.
Doesn’t mean I don’t still feel pain when I get a sack slap.
So like… Are people thinking this is serious, and not recognizing the fact that it’s pointing out ridiculous arguments that some Bad-faith argumentatives like to make?
I’ve heard plenty of people in all seriousness say women don’t understand the pain of getting hit in the balls, but like… Nobody sane and rational actually believes that.
If you really DO think women, who have ENTIRE HUMANS SHOCED OUT OF THEIR VAGINA, can’t understand pain? Yes, getting hit in the balls hurts. I’ve been hit more times than I care to remember.
If anyone really DOES think women don’t get that kind of searing pain, look up “Childbirth perineal tear” and promptly lose all confidence in your argument.
Nono, you don’t understand.
It IS a ceasefire. As in Hamas (“anyone we decide to call hamas whether it’s an actual rebel/terrorist/whatever or someone defending themselves from IDF thugs trying to kill/SA them or a random kid we saw walking down the street and someone’s finger got itchy”) has to ceasefire.
Why on earth should the IDF, paragon of virtue and goodness, an organization that has never in its history been accused or caught red-handed doing war crimes or Geneva convention violations, be forced to stop murdering innocents “defending themselves” just because the entire world wants them to stop, and because it’s the right thing to do…
Next you’ll be insisting they treat Palestinians like people! And helping rebuild the countryside they’ve devastated constructively disassembled and revitalizing the people they have brutalized liberated.
SMH my head
If I need the /s with that much sarcasm dripping off every letter then the world has truly gone to shit.
The system is working as designed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
You know, as much as I hate it… “you know it when you see I but hard to definet” really is accurate.
There’s plenty of things that aren’t outright illegal that are completely inappropriate around children.
And if there are things that are context specific, it gets a lot harder to make a computer recognize a problem.
Audio cues are easy to scan for and computers are pretty good at recognizing sounds, especially in regards to copyright detection (even if their interpretation of “fair use” clause is still fucked 6 ways)
Video is a lot harder unless the computer is trying to match direct images (it’s a lot easier to recognize a still frame from The Avengers when it’s uploaded full size than it is to recognize a slightly warped, smaller cropped version with someone in front of it commenting on the video)
me, thinking of elsagate
First time?
Not all stock shelves bolt to a wall. But I guess you’re too educated to know that.
Lmao bunch of fucking idiots have never worked retail or in a warehouse making it super obvious right now
Take a look at the “rounds fired” vs “shots hit” and you’ll quickly see why “we are the ones all about guns” and not “the ones all about accuracy”
Neat, perfectly lined up
Reach out and touch someone
Same, plus or minus a year.
It took me a week, but I scrambled every comment and post with lorem ipsum and bee movie scripts, deleted the comments, then after verifying I could no longer find any of my original content on any search engine outside archive sites, I deleted the account.
It took so long because r*ddit started limiting API access when they realized people were automating their profile scrubbing.
As I’ve said before about certain countries, if you’re doing everything you can to prevent people from leaving [THING/PLACE] then you might just be shit.
I think a more accurate conclusion then, would be “the average American is too poor to afford good food”
It hasn’t mattered before, why bother changing things up?
There’s a guy with a permanent booth at a local flea market, and it’s absolutely covered in the most mallninjashit material you can possibly imagine, and the guy wears a trench coat, and a fedora.
When you talk to him, he’s a totally normal dude who started doing this when he was a teenager and actually dressed like that unironically, but now it’s basically his sales outfit. “playing the part” as it were. Outside the market you might not even recognize him
But boy does he love getting into character.