A whole lot of people who just do web or email or whatever could live with a Chromebook actually. They don’t really need the latest CPU/GPU and gobs of ram and disk space for simple stuff
A whole lot of people who just do web or email or whatever could live with a Chromebook actually. They don’t really need the latest CPU/GPU and gobs of ram and disk space for simple stuff
Linux programmers have been battling Microsoft and its shady deals with hardware vendors for decades. That’s the real problem. Just when something starts working too well, MS changes things up, dictates changes to hardware, and then that breaks it for Linux, so it’s back to the old IDE with new hardware to figure out how to get around it. Or the hardware folk just don’t consider Linux a viable alternative and just happily make sure only Winders runs well.
Oh man I’m way behind at Winders 3.1, better stick with Linux!
An HP by any chance? These don’t handle suspend well and you need to add a parameter or three at boot via grub (or systemd too). Otherwise the system gets tied up filling the log endlessly with rapidly cycling pcie errors and you end up crashing or frozen pretty quickly. If this might be your problem, see
Where there’s a problem there’s usually a solution, you just might need to root around the web for answers.
And soon, the already AI-flooded net will be filled with so much nonsense that it becomes impossible for anyone to get some real work done. Sigh.