Fuck that.
We got in this situation from our side being too polite and dismissive. The only language that they understand is sophomoric and emotional, so it is time to communicate with them in the only way they know how. We tried rationally explaining what was going to happen. It’s happening, now it’s time to rub their nose in it and point out that their inability to engage their brain landed all of us in this situation. Then hope to God some neurons dust themselves off and start firing.
I use Firefox but isn’t edge considered a solid lightweight browser now?
Also: Batman
No they aren’t. Deer are often struck mid-bound which will absolutely send them flying into your windshield. Also, depending on what part of the world you are in, deer can get pretty huge.
It’s about blood flow. Your nose is not only filled with mucus, it’s also inflamed. Prioritizing blood flow to other parts of your body will temporarily alleviate that swelling, allowing you to breath again. Light exercise works just as well.
This seems like an extreme reaction.
I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and say the impact of lead poisoning and micro plastics is way worse than anyone realizes yet. It feels like I am actively watching my parents mental decline and they are only about 60.
Same. I was taught that the Internet was for anonymity. You never supplied details from your real life to the internet and largely treated it as a hostile environment. The Internet was cool and full of information but also dangerous. Today I am still a little weirded out by how open people are with their personal information online.
I have never once in my life desired a notification from a website.
Imagine you wanted children and then someone would come along and castrate you because there’s a problem with overpopulation. You take away an individaul’s choice of reproduction for the greater good. And it makes sense, but the lack of consent or even understandment does not sit well with me.
You’re anthropomorphizing animals too much. Cats don’t “want” children. Beyond a basic biological need they don’t give a shit about procreation. It’s not even a difficult question, ethically speaking. In almost every environment they exist in cats are considered invasive, reproduce like crazy, and tend to be incredibly destructive to local species. To be clear, I don’t think there is anything wrong with owning a cat, but it’s important to do so responsibly.
Try opening the post then clicking the picture.
My biggest fear about a Google breakup would be what that does to the mobile market, specifically in the US, given the iPhone’s popularity here.
Also if you insist on buying COD, please don’t make me pay extra for it to be included on game pass. I don’t want that shit.
That last part may need a bit of citation, but yes modern breed standardization has unfortunately crippled many of the poor creatures from birth.
Adopt rescues, people! It’s usually super cheap and they’re almost always healthier dogs anyway.
This is patently untrue. I want Lemmy to be successful as much as any other user on here but reddit had 150-200 million MAU in 2016. Lemmy is being recorded as a generous 2 million.
So you 100% know this because you sat in on those decisions, or because that is your uninformed opinion? What makes you an authority on parking spot requirements?
Also if you don’t have a car why do you have an opinion at all?
So you concede that the people who have built their career around issues like planning for an appropriate volume of handicapped parking should design for less than what they find necessary so that you, a presumably able-bodied person, don’t have to walk past a few more parking spaces?
Oh, weird. They don’t require prints for a DL in TX, but we’re already closing in on an authoritarian state anyways. I didn’t know this was a thing.
It integrates into the Google ecosystem well, and if that has value to a person it may just be enough to bring them back to chrome.