Not even even an egg on it? I kinda want an egg on my breakfast sandwich
Not even even an egg on it? I kinda want an egg on my breakfast sandwich
Swiss rolls > ho hos
Are we really putting Taylor Swift on the same level as some of these other fuckers? Obviously she’s not good, but if you compare her with Trump, musk, bezos, anyone from Walmart etc she’s way better
I mean a jar can be as cheap as $2 -$3 if you’re having that as a meal I’d argue it’s pretty economical
Honestly it just kinda feels easier
Autocorrect, my bad. Should’ve said balut, not about
I don’t think my parents would eat eggs on Friday if they thought it might be fertilized, and I think that’s the whole point here.
Anyway arguments here are going to be pointless since Catholics eat fish on Fridays anyway, so any logic is already flawed
I’m going to go out on a limb and say most people not eating meat on Fridays aren’t eating about balut on Fridays
E: autocorrect
I’m probably wasting my time
I’m going to go ahead and say yeah. I don’t think there’s any getting through to that dunce
The good ole Irish goodbye has saved me on multiple occasions